Well, that's it, all that's left now is to run the race. Ray and myself went for a light 30 minute jog around the track this evening and on the way we had a good chat about what we'd aim for next, and the consensus was that we'd definitely keep it going while we're deciding which race to target. We asked John for his thoughts, but his focus was firmly on Saturday, and he said we'd have plenty of time after the race to set new goals. Funnily enough, Bubbles was doing loads of talking about the after race party as well, so I guess it's going to be a good night.
I picked up the race numbers for Hugo and myself this evening and I was tempted to swap them, as it might look good for me, when the results are printed, but then Michelle Mullaney wrote our names on the correct numbers, so I'll just have to run my own race.
I've decided that I'm going to continue blogging, it's too much of an incentive to go training to give up, so once again thanks for all your support. I thought I'd finish this last post before the Half Marathon with some numbers.
233 - My Race Number
33 - The number of Training Sessions.
11 - The number of Weeks training.
3 - The number of Tuesdays, Thursdays, or weekend runs, I've missed.
203 - The number of Miles I've run in training.
11.2 - The longest distance I've run without stopping to date.
2143- The number of minutes I've spent training for this one race.(35 hours, 43 minutes)
26 - The number of cold baths.
7155 - The number of Pageviews on my blog as I post this one!
15,198 - The number of words I've written in my blog.
1 - The number of nudie pics in the blog!
0 - The amount of times, I've been sorry I started this.
Until Saturday, Slán.
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