Sunday, 23 June 2013

Saturday Run

Well folks as you might or might not know, The Lions won a great match yesterday. I also completed 4 miles in the morning, and after the weeks mileage, a celebration was always likely to be on the cards. And celebrate I did, hense it's Sun afternoon before I get to update my blog.

I arrived at the Harriers yesterday morning just before 8, and I had the good fortune to run into a bunch of Ladies who were going for a run. They were kind enough to wait for Bubbles, as we were all going in the same direction. We ran with the girls as far as the fingerboard and then they wheeled left to finish their 8mile run, while Ray and myself continued to Mucklagh bridge, where we rested for about 1 minute, before running back, we stopped twice on the way back, and arrived back at Harriers back gate 47 min after we left it, including the rest breaks.

The one thing I learned on the run is that Mary Mann is not a chatterbox, as I had been led to believe. I know this because Mary told me as we were leaving the Harriers, on Adams Villas and at least twice when we were on Charleville rd. I think she may also have made the same claims to Bubbles a similar amount of times!

I played golf this morning and I'm now looking forward to an afternoon off. I might go for a cycle or swim tomorrow, before I go back to the Harriers for our next run on Tue. I've really enjoyed the first week, accepting the challenge, meeting a lot of new people up in the Harriers, and the great reaction I've been getting for writing this blog. Thanks for all your support and kind words, I hope you continue to enjoy the blog, and keep following me as I continue to train for the Half Marathon on the 31st August.

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